
Map & Basic Information

  • Area

    181,035 square kilometers

  • Population

    17.2 million people (2022 UNFPA)

  • Capital

    Phnom Penh

  • Ethnicity

    90% of the population is considered to be Cambodian (Khmer).

  • Language

    Khmer language

  • Religion

    Buddhism (some ethnic minorities are Muslim)


Source:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Issues to be addressed

In Cambodia, many children with disabilities cannot attend school due to the lack of an appropriate educational environment and the lack of understanding from the people around them. To improve this situation, the Cambodian government has been making various efforts such as developing a national policy on inclusive education and establishing a university specializing in the education of children with disabilities. However, there are no standards for an inclusive learning environment, and it isn't easy to know what specific measures should be taken in schools and educational institutions.


Inclusive education

Nan can now walk around the school thanks to the walker AAR supported her with.

To promote inclusive education, where all children, regardless of disabilities, learn together while receiving appropriate care and attention to meet their individual characteristics and needs. We are consistently continuing to establish a support system for the education of children with disabilities, and the experiences gained from this initiative are being shared with other regions. We also install ramps and barrier-free restrooms in schools and provide disability training for teachers.

Supporting the Wheelchair Workshop

The Wheelchair Workshop, where staff with disabilities also work, provides integrated manufacturing, distribution, and repair services.

The Wheelchair Workshop, which AAR has opened in 1994, became an independent local NGO in 2006. The workshop manufactures wheelchairs, walkers, and other assistive devices using materials that are available in Cambodia and distributes them free of charge to people with disabilities. We support the organization financially and helps to strengthen the operational and financial management skills of the staff.

Major Activities in Past

  • 1993 - 2011

    Operation of a vocational
    training school for people
    with disabilities

    We helped people with disabilities to acquire skills in sewing, motorcycle repair, ITC, etc., so that they could find employment.

  • 1996 - 1999

    Mine clearance activities

    We cooperated with the Halo Trust, a British organization specializing in mine clearance, to carry out landmine clearance activities in Cambodia.

  • 1993 - 1996

    Distribution of stationery and other items to children

    We carried out the "Pochettes of Love" campaign, in which we filled handmade pochettes with daily necessities and stationery and sent them to local children.