
Map & Basic Information

  • Area

    796,000 square kilometers

  • Population

    241.49 million people (2023, National Census)

  • Capital


  • Ethnicity

    Punjabis, Sindhis, Pashtuns, Baloch, etc.

  • Language

    Urdu (national language), English (official language)

  • Religion

    Islam (state religion)


Source:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Issues to be addressed

In Pakistan, approximately 22.8 million* children of school-going age (5-16 years old) are out of school, which is the second-highest level in the world. The school enrollment rate for girls, refugee children, and children with disabilities are particularly low. Some reports show that the rate for children with disabilities is less than 5%. There are various reasons why many children are unable to attend school, including poverty and other economic backgrounds, social customs that do not emphasize schooling, and school facilities that are not accessible.



Support for flood victims

Women in the disaster-stricken area are cooking outdoors.

"In the aftermath of the large-scale floods that occurred in 2022, we provided relief in the affected areas, including food and hygiene supplies. Additionally, we worked to ensure access to safe drinking water by repairing and establishing communal wells that were damaged. In schools affected by the disaster, we are improving the sanitary conditions by repairing or constructing wells and toilets, creating a safe and conducive learning environment for children.

Inclusive education

AAR local staff (center) conducts a session for students to think about disabilities as their own.

AAR Japan promotes inclusive education in elementary school, aiming for all children to learn together in the community where they live, regardless of their disabilities. We are working to make school facilities accessible, provide workshops and training on disabilities for teachers and children, and improve the educational environment.We also provide schooling support for out-of-school children and link them to government services.

Major Activities in Past

  • 2012

    WASH in refugee camps

    In refugee camps where more than 150,000 refugees and internally displaced people live, we established water supply systems, including the installation of wells. We also provided support for medical facilities and implemented projects to improve the educational environment.

  • 2010 - 2011

    Support for victims of the
    Flood in Pakistan

    In 2010, Pakistan was hit by a massive flood that affected one-third of the country. We distributed emergency supplies and provided support such as basic medical services.

  • 2005 - 2010

    Support for victims of the
    Great Earthquake in Pakistan

    We provided emergency support for victims of the earthquake that killed more than 84,000 people in India and Pakistan. We distributed relief supplies such as tents and blankets and assisted in restoring the water supply system.