
Map & Basic Information

  • Area

    147,000 square kilometers (approximately 40% of Japan, Bangladesh government)

  • Population

    171.19 million people (2022, World Bank)

  • Capital


  • Ethnicity

    The majority of the population consists of Bengalis, and there are Buddhist minorities, mainly the Chakmas, residing in the Chittagong Hills Tracts bordering Myanmar.

  • Language

    Bengali (national language)

  • Religion

    Muslim 91%, others (Hindus, Buddhists, Christians) 9% (2022, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics)


Source:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Issues to be addressed

People displaced from Myanmar are forced to live in harsh conditions with no prospect of returning home. Their refugee camps, allegedly the largest in the world, see a serious lack of infrastructure such as water and electricity. There are also other social problems like limited access to education, child marriage, human trafficking, and gender-based violence including domestic violence by husbands. Moreover, the underprivileged among host communities are greatly affected by a decrease of employment opportunities caused by the influx of refugees.


Creating a safe place for everyone

Mini-drama about drug addiction by a youth group

With the aim of alleviating serious social problems such as violence against women and children, child marriage, and human trafficking in the refugee camps, we operate a multi-purpose centre for women, children, and youth. The centre is open not only to refugees in the camps but also to the local residents hosting refugees. It offers mental health workshops, referrals to healthcare facilities, counseling services, and programs such as singing, arts and crafts workshops for children." (Cooperation: International organization NGO 「Terre des hommes」)

Major Activities in Past

  • 2018 - 2022

    Operate a space for women

    Provides a safe space for women by informing them how to protect themselves from risks surrounding women such as domestic violence, human trafficking, and early marriage.

  • 2017 - 2021


    We have set up toilets, bathing areas, and wells in refugee camps. We have also created a management system for equipment maintenance and organized awareness-raising activities on sanitation.