About Us
AAR Japan is an international NGO that reaches out to
the most vulnerable populations around the globe,
guided by the principles of neutrality and impartiality.
Who We Are
AAR Japan was founded in 1979 in Japan with the aim of
providing assistance to Indochinese refugees.
Since then, we have expanded activities to include
more than 65 countries and regions.
Impartiality and
IndependenceAAR Japan discriminates against no one based on their political views, or religious belief and delivers aid to the most affected in an impartial manner. To ensure neutrality of our work, we make all the efforts possible to avoid depending on public sources of funding.
Supporting those
who are most in needAAR Japan is dedicated to assisting those who are most affected and most in need whatever the reason may be. We also aim to provide long-term assistance rather than short-lived aid.
The ICBL jointly received the Novel Peace Prize

As a member organization of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines(ICBL), AAR Japan has contributed to the realization of the Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty. For the collective efforts, the ICBL was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1997. Other awards include the Yomiuri Shimbun International Cooperation Award in 1999 and the Okinawa Peace Award in 2008. In 1998, we were also awarded the Special Consultative Status of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Vision & Mission

©Yoshifumi Kawabata
AAR Japan envisions a world where all people, as unique and diverse human beings, can coexist with respect for human dignity and in harmony with the environment.
Established with the spirit of reciprocity and goodwill, AAR Japan provides those affected by hardships such as conflicts, natural disasters and impoverishments, the assistance they need, and make tomorrow better than today for everyone. In doing so through the support from across the world and Japan, we hope to demonstrate that each individual has an important role to play for world’s peace and stability. AAR Japan will work to realize a global society where the weak are not left behind, and where the minority would not face social rejection.
Organization Name
Association for Aid and Relief, Japan
Tokyo HQ
7F, Mizuho Building, 2-12-2 Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 141-0021 Japan
(Google map)
TEL: +81-3-5423-4511 FAX: +81-3-5423-4450Saga Office
303, Sagashirayama Building, 1-4-28 Shirayama, Saga-shi, Saga, 840-0826
TEL: +81-952-37-5380 -
Founding Date
November 24, 1979
(Recognized as an "Authorized NPO" by the National Tax Agency in 2003. Certified by the National Tax Agency in 2003 and by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 2014 due to changes in the system.) -
Board of Directors
Special Adviser- ChairpersonOSA Yukie
- Vice ChairpersonKATOH Taki
- PresidentHORIE Yoshiteru
- Senior Managing DirectorFURUKAWA Chiaki
- Managing Director
- MORI Swan
- Director
- OKAYAMA Noriyasu
- KATO Ben
- KONO Makoto
- GONO Akiko
- SUGITA Yoichi
- TABATA Michiko
- NATORI Ikuko
- MIYOSHI Hidekazu
- Auditor
- Special Adviser
- AKASHI Yasushi
- KUROKAWA Mitsuhiro
- HARA Fujiko
- FUKIURA Tadamasa
Annual Report
Sister Organization
Organization Chart

History of AAR
In 1979, we began supporting refugees with the idea that
"when in need,
we are all there for each other."

We have been active in more than 65 countries and regions around the world. We will continue to support people who are in particularly difficult situations, not only to help them cope with the immediate crisis, but also to help them start their next life.
Our Partners
Our international supporters, in alphabetical order. We would like to thank all of our supporters for enabling us to continue our activities.
action medeor / AmeriCares / American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee / BPRM (Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration) / CAF America(Charities And Foundation America) / Caritas Diozese Bozen-Brixen / Caritas Germany / Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe DHK / Direct Relief International / FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) / Give2Asia / GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) / GlobalGiving Foundation / ICBL (International Campaign to Ban Landmines) / International Medical Corps / International Rescue Committee / Islamic Relief Deutschland / Islamic Relief E.V / LIFT(Livelihoods and Food Secirity Fund) / JCBL (Japan Campaign to Ban Landmines) / JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) / JPF (Japan Platform) / JTI Foundation / Japanese Cultural + Community Center of Northern California / Jewish Federations of North America Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan / Relief International / UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) / UNHCR (The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) / UNMACA (United Nations Mine Action Center for Afghanistan) / UNMAS (United Nations Mine Action Service) / World Jewish Relief
Sustainable Development Goals are an international set of 17 goals and 169 targets that must be achieved by 2030 in order to achieve a world where no one is left behind. AAR is involved in the various goals through its activities.