Map & Basic Information
583,000 square kilometers
54.03 million (2020, World Bank)
Kikuyu, Luhya, Kalenjin, Luo, Kamba, etc.
Swahili, English
Traditional religion, Christianity, Islam

Issues to be addressed
In Kenya, the disparity in educational opportunity between urban areas and rural areas including refugee camps has become a considerable challenge. In rural areas, various challenges remain, including the inadequacy of educational facilities such as school buildings, early marriage and pregnancy, and lack of understanding of the importance of education among parents. Many children and youths are unable to receive education, which makes and thus it is difficult for them to have hope for the future.
Food Distribution
Women carrying food they received.
Food packages (rice, beans, corn flour, etc.) are distributed to local residents facing food crises due to drought and rising prices. These packages are delivered to particularly vulnerable groups such as single-person households with elderly members and households with only children.
Support for secondary education
Students receiving training in counseling skills.
In the Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement and Kakuma Refugee Camp, AAR Japan provides secondary education support to refugee children, including the construction of school facilities such as classrooms, the promotion of life skills education, conducting counseling, and establishing a management system to maintain school facilities.
Major Activities in Past
2017 - 2022
Improving the livelihoods of
youthAAR conducted activities aimed at improving the livelihoods and protection of the young people of the refugee and host communities.
2012 - 2015
To mitigate the effects of recurring droughts, we installed and repaired water supply facilities and established a sustainable management system for residents to operate the facilities on their own.
Emergency flood relief
We delivered emergency relief to the victims of the flood which affected more than 80,000 people. We distributed blankets, food, and other necessities to those in need.