AAR’s Chairperson Featured in TV Program
- #Emergency Support
- #Turkey
780,576 square kilometers
83,614,362 (2020, Turkish National Statistics Agency).
Turks and others (Kurds mainly in the southeast, Armenians, Greeks, Jews, etc.)
Turkish (official language)
Mostly Muslim (Sunni, and a few Alawites) and others including Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox and Jews.
Turkey is hosting more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees* who have fled from the civil war since 2011, and the majority are living not in refugee camps but in urban areas. Many of them are unable to access public services due to a lack of sufficient information, and it is also difficult for them to find a job that ensures stable incomes. Frictions between refugees and host communities are often observed.
The scene of an event for children held bylocal organization.
We provide capacity-building training in areas such as organizational management and administrative tasks to empower local organizations to independently carry our refugee support activities, including refugee protection and individual assistance.
Victims living in tents at unofficial sites.
Food and daily necessities were distributed to victims who were living in evacuation shelters due to the major earthquake that occurred in February 2023. In addition, we installed heat-, cold-, and waterproof sheets and sawdust in the containers and tents where the victims lived to improve their living environment.
2017 - 2020
Establishment of a child
friendly space
We operated a facility where children can play and grow safely, and at the same time, Syrian refugees and Turkish locals can socialize each other.
2012 - 2013
Support project for children
with disabilities
We provided walking aids and learning materials to a special education rehabilitation center to help promoting rehabilitation for children with disabilities and to facilitate their social participation.
2011 - 2012
Emergency support for East Turkey Earthquake
Upon an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 in the eastern part of Turkey on 23 October 2011, we dispatched an emergency relief team to distribute food and daily necessities.