
©Yoshifumi Kawabata

Map & Basic Information

  • Area

    33,843 square kilometers

  • Population

    2.60 million (2021: Moldovan National Statistics Office. Excluding residents of the Transnistria region)

  • Capital


  • Ethnicity

    Moldovan (Romanian) (75.1%), Ukrainian (6.6%), Russian (4.1%), Gagauz (Turkish) (4.6%), etc. (2014: Moldova Census)

  • Language

    The official language is Moldovan (Romanian). Russian is also commonly spoken.

  • Religion

    Christianity (Orthodox), etc.


Source:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Issues to be addressed

In February 2022, Russian forces launched a military invasion of Ukraine, causing over 500,000 refugees to flee to Moldova. Most of them have passed through Moldova and taken refuge in other countries. But there are many refugees who stay in Moldova for economic and other reasons. Most refugees are women and children, as in principle men are prohibited from leaving Ukraine. The large influx of refugees is a burden for Moldova, which is economically poor compared to other European countries and has a small population.


Operation of Community Centers

Women working at a table.

AAR established a community center where refugees and local residents can interact, and operate it together with local partner organizations. Social workers are stationed at the center to provide ongoing individualized support by listening carefully to the needs of refugee families who have not been here long, single parents with many children, and people with disabilities or chronic illnesses. The center also serves as a "place of rest" for both refugees and local residents.

Major Activities in Past

  • 2022 - 2023

    Distribution of food and daily necessities

    A family is having a meal.

    Hot meals and foodstuffs are provided at several shelters in and around the capital city. We also distributed home appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators, furniture, and daily necessities.

  • 2022 - 2023

    Psychosocial Support

    AAR staff and children talking.

    AAR provided a safe place and playground for mothers and children fleeing the ravages of war, with the aim of providing them with psychological care.