
Map & Basic Information

  • Area

    241,000 square kilometers

  • Population

    44.27 million (World Bank, 2019)

  • Capital


  • Ethnicity

    Baganda, Lango, Acholi, etc.

  • Language

    English, Swahili, Luganda

  • Religion

    Christianity (60%), traditional religions (30%), Islam (10%)


Source:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Issues to be addressed

Since 1990s, the western region of Uganda has been hosting approximately 400,000 refugees who fled the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), of which political and ethnic situation remains unstable. In refugee settlements, children are deprived of educational opportunities due to economic poverty and their parents’ lack of understanding on the importance of education. Children, especially those who live apart from their parents, girls, and children with disabilities, are exposed to various risks.



DRC refugee children studying at school in a refugee settlement.

AAR Japan provides education support in western Uganda, where the number of refugees has increased and suffer shortage of educational facilities and scholastic material supplies. In order to create a safe study environment for children, we construct schools, distributes textbooks, and organizes trainings on school management targeting parents and local residents.

Support for victims of landmines
and unexploded ordnance

A landmine survivor who became able to walk again after receiving a prosthetic leg

In the aftermath of the civil war lasted for more than two decades, a large number of landmines and unexploded ordnance are still left in northern Uganda. Survivors with disabilities have been forced to live a difficult life. The victims lost their job and had to let go of their homes or land to raise money for medical treatment. We provide livelihood support and medical treatment to the victims in the areas with frequent accidents caused by landmines and unexploded ordnance.

Major Activities in Past

  • 2023

    Food Aid

    In areas where severe food shortages occurred due to drought and insecurity, AAR distributed food to elderly households, households with people with disabilities, and single-mother families.

  • 2016 - 2021

    Education support

    We have continually provided educational facilities and scholastic material supplies to refugee children from DRC and South Sudan. We have also trained teachers and refugee leaders to promote education especially for girls and children with disabilities.