
Map & Basic Information

  • Area

    1.88 million square kilometers

  • Population

    42.81 million (2019 / World Bank)

  • Capital


  • Ethnicity

    Arabs, Nubians, Nuba, Fur, Beja, etc. (more than 200 ethnic groups)

  • Language

    Arabic and English (official), other languages

  • Religion

    Islam, Christianity, traditional religions


Source:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Issues to be addressed

Mycetoma is an infectious disease caused by bacteria and fungi that affects muscles and bones, resulting in inflammation of the feet and hands and amputation of the limbs in severe cases. In Sudan, there are many cases where the symptoms worsen due to insufficient knowledge about mycetoma or going through treatment without medical evidence. In addition, amid civil war and economic sanctions, an armed conflict erupted in 2023, severely affecting people's lives.



A man who suffered from mycetoma and had his leg amputated. He lives with a prosthetic leg that he made himself.

Few organizations and institutions sensitize the public about mycetoma. AAR Japan is conducting awareness raising activities to spread correct knowledge and the importance of early diagnosis, especially in areas where there are many infected people. We also send medical staff from Mycetoma Research Center and university hospitals in Khartoum as volunteers to perform surgeries and treat patients.

Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons

A man rests in a classroom at an elementary school that served as an evacuation center.

The security situation is worsening due to the 2023 military clashes between the national army and paramilitary groups, and AAR is assisting internally displaced persons by distributing emergency relief supplies and improving sanitary conditions.

Major Activities in Past

  • 2016 - 2019

    Mine victim assistance

    We supported landmine victims by providing them with artificial legs. We also assisted them in starting small businesses such as grocery stores so that they could earn a living despite their disabilities.

  • 2016 - 2019


    We built water supply facilities such as boreholes, water tanks, water pipes, and water stations in Kassala Province, where the reconstruction from the 20-year long conflict was severely delayed.

  • 2006 - 2019

    Mine risk education

    In areas where landmines and unexploded ordnance remain in abundance, we have conducted mine risk education to provide people with knowledge and methods to protect themselves from landmines.